Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hello, World!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. I've been meaning to start a blog for a long time, and now with CS 404 making it a requirement, I finally have an excuse! I hope this will be a fun outlet for any creativity that I might have.

Let me introduce myself. I grew up in New Jersey, thanks to some delicious pizza (and possibly some good parents and leaders.) I love programming, playing guitar and drums, and I enjoy playing video games (though they're not my life). My favorite color's green, my favorite food's pizza (as you may have guessed), and my favorite band is Soundgarden.

I also enjoy making video games. In the past I've made a maze game and a tank game in QBASIC, and a tank adventure game in Visual BASIC. Currently I'm working on a 2-D game engine for Java that I'll use to make some game applets. I'm also thinking about making some XML to represent guitar tabs. If I do this, I'll probably create some small AJAX applets or Java Applets to manipulate and/or play the music from the tabs. This is all the distant future right now; school will be my first priority for a while.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys my blog!

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