Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Magical Internet

Before I learned HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and HTTP, the Internet seemed like a wonderful, magical place. I could find out about a new video game, download the demo, and (two hours later) play it. I could talk to friends. I could look up magic tricks. It was all great and useful.

Then my knowledge grew, and the Internet stopped being a place; it started being a creative outlet. I made a web page and shared it with my friends. With increased knowledge, the Internet was not magical or wonderful - it was just a medium.

Today, the Internet is a place again. It's where I go to connect with friends far away. It's where I go to unwind. It's where I go for spirituality. But it's not just a magical place any more; I now think it's miraculous. Instead of being a mystical, arcane place, it's an infinitely useful source for many things in my life.

As a side note, check out the song Electric Highway on the Innovators album by Kurt Bestor and Sam Cardon. This site has a preview, but it doesn't do it justice. Download the song, listen it and think about how the Internet is a miracle. Enjoy.

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