Friday, February 27, 2009

Utah by Habit

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most people who live in Utah are here by habit. It's funny because Utah culture (= Mormon culture, derived from Mormon doctrine) says that you're supposed to pray about big life decisions such as where to live. Most of the people who live here are here because they grew up here. Some of them even have myths about the outside world - that it will be destroyed (not backed by Mormon doctrine), or that it's exceptionally evil (out of ignorance).

Here's what I think. No, I'm going out on another limb - this is the truth. For the most part, God wants Mormons everywhere in the world right now. A Latter-Day Saint can do more good outside of the Great Utah Valley Bubble (GUVB) than inside. And if you haven't considered moving outside of Utah, you haven't adequately "studied it out in your mind."

So rest assured: wherever I end up after graduation, we'll have decided to go there after lots of thinking and lots of prayer. We're not ending up on either side of the GUVB without knowing that it's the right place.


partypatt said...

I'm glad to hear you and Karina are making it a matter of prayer. By the way, the best place is where your parents are!!!! Haven't we taught you that by now?

lovin' my 6 said...

I agree with your Mom, Jesse. The best place is where your parent are.

And if you are interested in experiencing life outside of GUVB, please come on over to my part of Orem. Ever other neighbor is from south of the USA border and does not speak english. Our stake pres. says they are being drawn here by the Spirit to learn to gospel. It is a lot of fun getting to know these great people. Too bad I don't speak spanish--YET!
