Friday, February 27, 2009

Utah by Habit

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most people who live in Utah are here by habit. It's funny because Utah culture (= Mormon culture, derived from Mormon doctrine) says that you're supposed to pray about big life decisions such as where to live. Most of the people who live here are here because they grew up here. Some of them even have myths about the outside world - that it will be destroyed (not backed by Mormon doctrine), or that it's exceptionally evil (out of ignorance).

Here's what I think. No, I'm going out on another limb - this is the truth. For the most part, God wants Mormons everywhere in the world right now. A Latter-Day Saint can do more good outside of the Great Utah Valley Bubble (GUVB) than inside. And if you haven't considered moving outside of Utah, you haven't adequately "studied it out in your mind."

So rest assured: wherever I end up after graduation, we'll have decided to go there after lots of thinking and lots of prayer. We're not ending up on either side of the GUVB without knowing that it's the right place.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things

In honor of the Facebook "25 Things" fad, here are 25 completely random statements.

  1. The word monosyllabic should be monosyllabic! I suggest splag.
  2. Jack Handey was a genious.
  3. I like spelling things wrong (see above.)
  4. There will be no #17.
  5. They have reruns of The Critic on a channel called Reelz!
  6. I have a shirt that says "Keeping South Brunswick Clean."
  7. In OpenGL, you rotate by glRotate{df}(angle, x, y, z)
  8. In JOGL, you rotate by gl.glRotate{df}(angle, x, y, z)
  9. Wii!!!!!!
  10. Everybody shout, "What's the big idea?!??!"
  11. This song comes from the heart of my bottom. (-Brak, on Brak presents the Brak Album starring Brak)
  12. The movie The Santa Clause ruined people for spelling Santa Claus forever.
  13. It's really hard to think of 25 completely random things!
  14. I bet the movie Arachnophobia causes arachnophobia. They should do a study.
  15. People drive bad!
  16. My favorite Utah fake swears: Oh my heck, What in the Sam Hill (apparently "Sam Hell" is a term, who knew?), and of course, Good gravy.
  17. #4 is a lie.
  18. I never said any of these things had to be true.
  19. Writing good is hard.
  20. It is your birthday.
  21. eia = cos a + i sin a
  22. I couldn't figure out how to do a theta in blogger or HTML.
  23. I should be doing my homework.
  24. There will be no #17.

And the number one thing overheard at the Winter Olympics:
"Why did I come here when I could be home playing Wii????"