Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Operation American Freedom

This week, the Associated Press empirically proved that Comcast is actively attacking BitTorrent clients. They are sending data to the BitTorrent client that appears to come from the same computer, which effectively shuts off the connection.

This article points out that this is the same tactic used by the Great Firewall of China to block access to the Western World. This is no coincidence. Comcast (among others) wants the ability to block certain kinds of traffic.

What will an evil corporation do with this power? In a few years, maybe Comcast will decide to launch a new video sharing site. Will they have the ability to block YouTube to promote their own site? I can foresee a new MMORPG debuting from Microsoft. Microsoft will pay Comcast, who will then slow all other online games to a crawl.

Our government needs to protect us from the whims of a greedy corporation.

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