Tuesday, March 10, 2009

HBO: Not Surprising

Big Love's ratings must be really bad. Why else would HBO be pulling such an outrageous publicity stunt?

For anyone not familiar with the story, Big Love is planning on including an LDS Endowment Ceremony in their next episode. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this is a sacred ceremony that not everyone can attend. Only worthy members of the church can go to a Temple and be in this ceremony.

It's working. The Church didn't bite (in fact, they urged members not to respond!) But individual members have been organizing protests and boycotts.

When people mock something sacred, it doesn't make the thing less sacred - it makes the mockers less sacred. Don't watch it, but don't give them what they want either. Jesus Christ lived his life not organizing protests against the Pharisees, but teaching love. Let's follow him.

(And for anyone who's tempted to tune in, let me give you this warning: HBO also made Sex and the City. If Big Love is anything like it, it's melodramatic, boring, and has ugly actresses.)