Saturday, July 26, 2008

Democrats are Cool

After a lifetime of compulsive TV watching, I've learned some interesting things about politics.

Democrats are cool. Their policies are socially acceptable. They represent the downtrodden, work-class people.

Republicans are socially backward. The only reason they're not as smart as Democrats is because either:
  1. They're Southern, and don't know how to read, or
  2. They can read, but the only things they read are Christian.
Whether an individual Republican is to be mocked or pitied depends on their belligerence. Ann Coulter, for example, is extremely outspoken, and should be mocked as harshly as possible. Poor, religious people are to be pitied until they start talking about Christianity, at which point they become belligerent.

I'm not making an argument for either side here. I'm simply stating the message of the Viacom Propaganda Machine.