Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Top 5 Firefox Add-ons

One of the great things about Firefox is all the cool add-ons available. If there's anything you don't like about Firefox, there is an add-on to change it. And I have the same add-ons for my Linux machine as I do for my Windows machine, so it's pretty good that way too. It's always a pain to have to switch between different tools that do the same things.

So, without further ado, here are my favorite Firefox add-ons:

  1. PDF Download
    This one allows more flexibility about what FF does with PDFs. Instead of just opening it in-browser, it allow you to download it, open it in a new window, or view it as HTML.
  2. IE View Lite
    Firefox is great, but not all sites were programmed with the idea that anyone will access them without IE. On Windows systems, this allows you to quickly view the current page in IE.
  3. Resizeable Textarea
    This gives you the Safari-like functionality of being able to resize large text fields.
  4. Server Spy
    Lets you know in a little section at the bottom of the FF window what kind of server a site is using. It's interesting information. Always fun to see the broken sites running IIS and say, "Oh, well there's your problem!"
  5. Web Developer
    By far my favorite FF add-on. This gives you a little toolbar with more web development tools than you would ever need. It gives css and javascript tools, shows you divs, classes and ids, style information for a given element, and lots more.
So enjoy these, and make the move to FF if you haven't already!